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Comments by YACCS

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Wednesday, May 29, 2002
Fat chance
Last week, the New York Times wrote a story about schools that are removing, or considering removing, so-called "junk food" from their cafeterias and/or vending machines. Then, in response, they printed six letters to the editor. What were those six?

  1. Junk food is bad, and schools need to provide recess for children.
  2. We must teach nutrition in schools. (by a professor of nutrition).
  3. The content of junk foods need to be regulated more by the government.
  4. Kids need to be taught about nutrition.
  5. Junk food needs to be banned from society.
  6. Junk food needs to be banned. Commercials for junk food should be, also.

Not a single letter saying, "This isn't the concern of schools, or the government. This is the concern of parents." No letters saying, "What someone chooses to eat is a private matter, not the business of anybody else." Of course, letters to the editor aren't the views of the editors -- but the choice of which letters to print does reflect their biases.

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